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Guests heard on Volume 77

Eric Miller, author of the essay “Pilgrim in an Unknown Land: Christopher Lasch’s Journey,” published in an anthology Wilfred McClay edited, titled Figures in the Carpet: Finding the Human Person in the American Past, on the conserving radicalism and revolutionary traditionalism of Christopher Lasch

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Lisa de Boer, author of the essay “A Comic Vision? Northern Renaissance Art and the Human Figure,” in the collection A Broken Beauty, on the depiction of everyday humanity in northern European post-Renaissance painting

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Peter J. Schakel, author of The Way into Narnia: A Reader’s Guide on seeing The Chronicles of Narnia as fairy tales, not just Christian allegory

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Alan Jacobs, author of The Narnian: The Life and Imagination of C. S. Lewis, on how The Chronicles of Narnia reveal much of C. S. Lewis’s thinking on almost everything, and on how Lewis’s imagination was prepared to write such books (extended interview)

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