Sørina Higgins

Sørina Higgins is an editor, writer, English teacher, and scholar of British modernist literature. Dr. Higgins earned her PhD in 2021 at Baylor University in Waco, TX, where she studied the role of ceremonial magic in modernist theatre. In 2022, she founded the Signum University Press and worked as its first Editor-in-Chief. She has taught courses in literature, creative writing, and academic writing for over two decades in a variety of settings. Dr. Higgins is currently writing The Oddest Inkling: An Introduction to Charles Williams, due out in 2024 from Apocryphile Press, and From Thaumaturgy to Dramaturgy: Staging Occult Modernism. She’s also shopping around a volume of short stories called Shall These Bones Breathe?  Dr. Higgins and her Irish husband are the stewards of Avondale Homestead in upstate New York, where they wrangle a brace of cats and a chattering of chickens.

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