originally published 3/1/1997

In this interview from Volume 25, Douglas Groothuis examines the worldview and mythology behind the creation and marketing of the Internet. Described as a dreamy, perfect, “purely mental” place to connect with others without the potential barriers of age, gender, or space, the Internet appeared to be a new conduit for personal liberation, much like hallucinogenic drugs were in the 1960s. Groothuis introduces the term “techno-shamanism” to describe the New-Age utopian pull of this new technology that would allow people to try on new identities and transcend the messiness of embodiment. He argues that Christians ought to recognize this age-old idolatry of trying to save ourselves with the works of our own hands. Because of our incarnational faith, we must prioritize the preciousness of personal, embodied connection and be a humanizing influence in a dehumanizing age. Groothuis is the author of The Soul in Cyberspace (Baker, 1997).

13 minutes


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