When you are logged in to Mars Hill Audio as a member, you can access your Favorites list, see and edit your Membership account and payment details, and view a record of your Donation history. You will see the Account tab in the top menu bar of each website page when you are logged in.

If you click on the Account tab, you will see the following options: Favorites, Membership, and Donation history

The Favorites section lists all the audio features you have chosen as your personal Favorites to listen to more than once.

When you click on Memberships, you will be taken to a page that displays the following sub-fields: Home, Subscriptions, Payments, Gifts, MP3 Files, and Logout. It looks like this:

These fields are explained below.

Home: This is where you will find your basic account information. Below your address and phone number, you will see an option to Change Password, should you wish to do so. You may edit your contact information, including changing your e-mail address if necessary. (Unfortunately, WordPress does not allow users to change their user name.)

Subscriptions: Here you will find a table with information about any memberships you have purchased from Mars Hill Audio. 

Payments: Under this tab, you will see information about your payment history. You also have access to download PDFs of your payment invoices.

Gifts: If you give any gift memberships to a family member or friend, a record of those purchases will show up here. You will also be able to download a PDF of your gift invoice.

MP3 Files: If you have a Classic membership, or if you were a subscriber or purchaser before our membership program was launched, you are entitled to download mp3 files of Journals or any other products (Conversations, Reports, etc.) you purchased. A page with links to those files is linked here.

If you have any questions that were not answered here, please contact us.