originally published 1/25/2018

Popular innovator and speaker on farming practices Joel Salatin talks about the challenges of caring for Creation within an agricultural and food system that pays little attention to the purposes and inclinations of Creation. In his most recent book, The Marvelous Pigness of Pigs: Respecting and Caring for All God’s Creation (FaithWords, 2017) (which Salatin refers to as his “coming-out book”), Salatin reveals his explicitly biblical reasons for how he approaches farming. Often trapped between his “constituency and his people,” Salatin explains how his self-ascribed moniker of being a “Christian, libertarian, environmentalist, capitalist, lunatic farmer” has helped to dissolve some of the misconceptions and presumptions held by both sides of the partisan divide. This interview was originally published on Volume 137 of the Journal.

25 minutes


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