Greatness ≠ goodness Book excerptBy Ken MyersMay 4, 2023Roger Shattuck on the dangers of wanting to know more than we should
Lilies as analogues for farming Book excerptBy Ken MyersApril 29, 2023Fred Bahnson on the wisdom of attending to patterns of Creation
Culture in light of Easter Book excerptBy Ken MyersApril 23, 2023Oliver O'Donovan rejects a gnostic reading of redemption
A myth which is also a fact Book excerptBy Ken MyersApril 14, 2023Holly Ordway on the existentially resonant power of myth
Learning to see the world aright Book excerptBy Ken MyersMarch 30, 2023Norman Wirzba on cultivating a Christocentric vision of Creation
Place and imagination Book excerptBy Ken MyersMarch 30, 2023Matthew Stewart on Wallace Stegner’s moral laboratories
Introducing William Desmond Book excerptBy Ken MyersMarch 30, 2023Steven Knepper offers a brief introduction to an important contemporary philosopher
Once there was no “secular” Book excerptBy Ken MyersJanuary 21, 2023Carlos Eire on the metaphysical assumptions championed in the sixteenth century
Our suffering, and Christ’s Book excerptBy Ken MyersJanuary 13, 2023Joel James Shuman and Keith Meador: “The absence of deliverance from sickness or suffering is neither a sign that God has withdrawn favor nor an occasion to abandon hope.”
Suffering and the vocation of medicine Book excerptBy Ken MyersDecember 9, 2022Stanley Hauerwas on why the elimination of suffering is an inadequate (and unrealistic) goal for medicine
Science, the only reliable leader (but to where?) Book excerptBy Ken MyersOctober 8, 2022Stephen Gaukroger on the replacement of political, social, and cultural goals with scientific, technological, and economic ones