Human dignity, cosmic hierarchies Book excerptBy Ken MyersSeptember 30, 2022Political scientist Robert Kraynak on how Christianity opposes worldly hierarchies with hierarchies of its own
What makes our desires and action intelligible Book excerptBy Ken MyersSeptember 28, 2022David Bentley Hart on why we must believe that human beings are by nature inclined to the super-natural
Properly this-worldly by being fundamentally other-worldly Book excerptBy Ken MyersSeptember 28, 2022Hans Boersma on the necessity of affirming the links between Heaven and Earth
Recognizing a frayed tapestry Book excerptBy Ken MyersSeptember 28, 2022Hans Boersma summarizes the theological concerns shared by the members of the nouvelle théologie movement
Is irrational freedom truly freedom? Book excerptBy Ken MyersAugust 10, 2022Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger argues that freedom must be understood in the context of interplay of reason and the will
Is religious belief really true? Book excerptBy Ken MyersAugust 10, 2022Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger asks if Christian faith is just lovely subjective consolation, a kind of make-believe world side by side with the real world
The Narnian as Jeremiah Book excerptBy Ken MyersJune 11, 2022Michael Ward on the bleak prognosis in C. S. Lewis’s The Abolition of Man
Breaking out of the immanent frame Book excerptBy Ken MyersJune 11, 2022Norman Wirzba on the true character of Creation and of our creatureliness
Embedded values and dreams Book excerptBy Ken MyersJune 10, 2022Felicia Wu Song on why our technologies are not neutral tools
“Christianity” is gnostic Book excerptBy Ken MyersMay 13, 2022Peter Leithart on why what the Church is and practices is not a “religion”
The evolving connotation of “Christianity” Book excerptBy Ken MyersMay 13, 2022William Cantwell Smith on how the abstraction known as “Christianity” displaced the concrete reality of “Christian living”
The birth of “religion” Book excerptBy Ken MyersMay 13, 2022Brent Nongbri on how Christian disunity led to the privatization of God and the gods