Creation’s gift to the sciences Article excerptBy Mars Hill AudioMay 1, 2014Michael Hanby: “There is no pure method, and no science can do and indeed ever does without a metaphysics and therefore ultimately a theology.”
Crowd Culture Book excerptBy Mars Hill AudioNovember 8, 2013Bernard Iddings Bell: “It is because the Church has thus obscured the socially prophetic note that it seems to most people to have no relevancy.”
Food and the modern world Article excerptBy Mars Hill AudioAugust 15, 2006Why would someone quit a job at The New Yorker in order to become an apprentice to various chefs and “food artisans” in Manhattan and Italy?
The embryo question Article excerptBy Mars Hill AudioMarch 13, 2005Robert P. George and Patrick Lee, Eric Cohen, Leon R. Kass, Yuval Levin, and Amy Laura Hall examine the debate about whether or not human embryos should be destroyed for stem cell research.