released 3/4/2025
Following a move from one state to another, Gilbert Meilaender explores the tension between the very human experience of being simultaneously a sojourner and a body located in place and time. Moving is a powerful reminder, he says, of some ultimate truths about our human existence. The doctrine of creation reveals that our embodiment and “embeddedness” matter, and yet we are also meant to understand ourselves as always “on the way.” We must learn to hold these two truths in tension. Meilaender wrestles with the human need to “nest” and our propensity to hold certain possessions dear, while not letting our possessions enslave us. He concludes with gratitude for how the experience of moving — uprooting and then re-embedding our lives — reveals our essential vulnerability.
This essay is provided courtesy of First Things and is edited for length. It was originally published in the Anthology “Place, Community, and Memory,” (January 2000) and is read by Ken Myers.
30 minutes
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