released 1/2/2025
In this July 2015 lecture, Ken Myers explains how it is that our participation in harmonic beauty in music is a kind of participation in the life of God, in Whom all order and beauty coheres and is sustained. Rather than being simply an abstract concept, the harmony of Creation is a reality we can experience through our senses. As an example, Myers describes the power of singing together in harmony; there is power in mutual interaction and submission to a shared order. He charts composer Arvo Pärt’s journey to “purge the chaos” that was the modernist rejection of tonal composition — which was ultimately a rejection of cosmological order — and rediscover the essence of melody and harmony. Myers concludes with a reflection on how we use our physical senses to engage Creation and perceive its harmony and order.
This lecture is provided courtesy of the CiRCE Institute.
61 minutes
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