Not just a counterculture Book excerptBy Ken MyersSeptember 28, 2015Peter J. Leithart on the public (and prophetic) mission of the Church
The problem with patriotism in secular democracies Book excerptBy Ken MyersSeptember 22, 2015Alasdair MacIntyre on the systematic rejection of the tradition of the virtues in modern political institutions
Not “mere” matter Book excerptBy Ken MyersSeptember 22, 2015David Bentley Hart on the spirituality of the material world
Assimilation or identity in Christ Book excerptBy Ken MyersSeptember 22, 2015Francisco Javier Martínez Fernández on the modern choice given the Church to conform or die
Transforming the world into an orphanage Book excerptBy Ken MyersSeptember 15, 2015Robert Pogue Harrison on the tragedy of our systemic callowness
Lives with no context Book excerptBy Ken MyersSeptember 14, 2015Miroslav Volf on the triumph of the will
A society without purpose Book excerptBy Ken MyersSeptember 14, 2015Oliver O’Donovan on the eighteenth-century sources of radical secularism
How literature becomes a habit Book excerptBy Ken MyersSeptember 10, 2015Flannery O’Connor exhorts English teachers to maintain high standards
Education as the formation of taste Book excerptBy Ken MyersSeptember 10, 2015Flannery O’Connor on the shaping of literary experience
The Church as a public reality Book excerptBy Ken MyersSeptember 10, 2015William Cavanaugh on how we must be disciples in public, not just citizens
No such thing as pure objectivity Book excerptBy Ken MyersAugust 7, 2015Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger on lessons for faith from physics
A God with nothing to do Book excerptBy Ken MyersJune 5, 2015Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger on the loss of belief in the public presence of God