Modernity’s fateful encounter with weird, wayward sisters Book excerptBy Ken MyersJune 13, 2014Richard Weaver describes the cultural consequences of a decisive metaphysical mistake
Against the machine Book excerptBy Ken MyersJune 4, 2014How careless use of mechanistic metaphors obscures the mystery of life
The danger of a self-marginalizing religion Book excerptBy Ken MyersMay 31, 2014Alasdair MacIntyre on how the task of religion is to help see the secular as the sacred, the world as under God.
The disabling consequences of winsomeness Book excerptBy Ken MyersMay 18, 2014Stanley Hauerwas on how many modern Christians offered atheists less and less in which to disbelieve.
How the Church promotes the cause of freedom Book excerptBy Ken MyersJanuary 8, 2014Oliver O’Donovan: “We discover we are free when we are commanded by that authority which commands us according to the law of our being, disclosing the secrets of the heart.”
Crowd Culture Book excerptBy Mars Hill AudioNovember 8, 2013Bernard Iddings Bell: “It is because the Church has thus obscured the socially prophetic note that it seems to most people to have no relevancy.”
Civil religion and other forms of cultural captivity Book excerptBy Ken MyersOctober 17, 2013Oliver O’Donovan on the danger of accommodating the demands of the Gospel to the expectations of society
Religion for Sundays only Book excerptBy Ken MyersOctober 12, 2013Walter Kasper on how secularization did not eliminate religion, but made it but one sector of modern life along with many others.
Irrigating deserts Book excerpt, CommentaryBy Ken MyersFebruary 19, 2013C. S. Lewis on why teachers must train the sentiments
Reducing Enlightenment glare Book excerpt, CommentaryBy Ken MyersFebruary 19, 2013Colin Gunton on the alienation advanced by the Enlightenment
With enemies like this . . . Book excerptBy Ken MyersAugust 20, 2009Terry Eagleton presents a blistering dismissal of arguments made by celebrity atheists
Digital equality and the untuning of the world Article excerpt, Book excerptBy Ken MyersApril 14, 2009Lee Siegel analyzes how web-based pursuits of unique identity is so unbounded that personal definition becomes impossible.