released 10/20/2023

In his book John Henry Newman on Truth and Its Counterfeits (The Catholic University of America Press, 2020), theologian Reinhard Hütter argued that “the word conscience has come to stand for its counterfeit, denoting not the divine law impressed upon the human intellect but the decisions of the individual’s sovereign self-determination.” This Feature presents a lecture given in 2014 by Dr. Hütter titled “Freedom of Conscience as Freedom in the Truth: Conscience according to Thomas Aquinas and John Henry Newman.” Thanks to the Lumen Christi Institute in Chicago for permission to share this lecture with our listeners.

64 minutes


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In his book The Joyful MysteryChristopher Thompson calls for “a renewed and robust vision of the created order” capable of moving beyond punditry and pronouncements about caring for the Earth. “Inspired by St. Thomas, Green Thomists insist, among other things, that the human person is an embodied, spiritual creature dwelling in a cosmos of created natures, intelligently ordered by God and capable of being intelligibly grasped by human reason; they insist that this wisdom of creation is something prior to us, given by God and discovered through intelligence; and they insist that despite original sin, the original wisdom of the Creator still permeates creation and provides norms for its care as well as human flourishing.”

This feature is available to listeners with a Mars Hill Audio membership.

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