Matthew Dickerson

Matthew Dickerson is the author of several books and book chapters. In addition to several studies of the writings of C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien, his published books also include medieval historical fiction, a three-volume fantasy novel, works of spiritual theology and Christian apologetics, a biography, and several works of narrative nonfiction on nature, outdoors, and environmental writing. His essays have appeared in a variety of journals including Image, Christianity Today, The Other Journal, Books and Culture, Creation Care, Backcountry Journal, The Drake, and Written River. He is a member of the Chrysostom Society and the Outdoor Writers Association of America, and attends the weekly meeting of Otter Creek Poets with his wife. He has been selected and has served as artist-in-residence at Glacier National Park, Acadia National Park, and Alaska State Parks, and with David O’Hara (his good friend and co-author of several books) as collaborate writers-in-residence for the Spring Creek Project Environmental Writing Residency.
Dickerson lives in Vermont with his wife, Deborah, on a 62-acre, mostly-wooded hillside also inhabited by deer, wild turkeys, bears, bobcats, coyotes, foxes, wood frogs, red efts, barred owls, and a variety of delightful songbirds, including wood thrush, hermit thrush, and veeries. They feel blessed to live close to three adult sons and daughters-in-law with whom they enjoy spending time. Matthew and Deborah also enjoy canoeing together in the summer and cross-country skiing together in the winter and sharing a square (or two, or sometimes three) of good dark chocolate nearly every evening all year round. Matthew is also an avid fly-fisher with a special fondness for wild native cold-water species (especially trout) living in wild places.