David W. Fagerberg

David W. Fagerberg (Professor Emeritus, University of Notre Dame) was in the department of theology at the University of Notre Dame, where he taught for twenty years. He was on the faculty of the Liturgical Institute at USML for two years immediately prior to that, and before that at Concordia College, Moorhead, MN, for 13 years. He holds an MDiv from Luther Seminary; an M.A. from St. John’s University, Collegeville; an S.T.M. from Yale Divinity School; and a Ph.D. from Yale University. His area of study is liturgical theology – its definition and methodology – and how the Church’s lex orandi (law of prayer) is the foundation for her lex credendi (law of belief). He also has interests in sacramental theology, Eastern Orthodoxy, linguistic philosophy, scholasticism, G. K. Chesterton and C.S. Lewis.