Matthew Levering

Matthew Levering is James N. Jr. and Mary D. Perry Chair of Theology, Mundelein Seminary. He earned his MTS from Duke University Divinity School and his Ph.D. from Boston College. He is the author or co-author of over thirty-five books, including such works as Scripture and Metaphysics, Participatory Biblical Exegesis, Biblical Natural Law, Proofs of God, Aquinas’s Eschatological Ethics and the Virtue of Temperance, Did Jesus Rise from the Dead?, The Abuse of Conscience, and Reconfiguring Thomistic Christology. He is currently at work on a multi-volume (quasi-)dogmatics, whose first five volumes have appeared (most recently Engaging the Doctrine of Israel). He is the editor or co-editor of over twenty books, including four Oxford Handbooks, numerous volumes on Aquinas’s biblical commentaries, and two volumes on Vatican II. He translated Gilles Emery, O.P.’s The Trinity. For many years, he has served as Co-editor of two quarterly journals, Nova et Vetera and the International Journal of Systematic Theology; and he is the Senior Editor of The New Ressourcement, a quarterly journal founded in 2023. At Mundelein Seminary, he is the Director of the Center for Scriptural Exegesis, Philosophy, and Doctrine. He is the co-founder (2007) and past president (2021-22) of the Academy of Catholic Theology; and since 2004 he has been an active participant in Evangelicals and Catholics Together.