Marilyn McEntyre

After many years of teaching American literature, writing, and medical humanities to undergraduates, Marilyn McEntyre, PhD, works now as a writing coach, retreat leader, and speaker on topics related to language, spirituality, and writing. She teaches in a DMin program at Western Theological Seminary and in a program for those exploring the spirituality of aging at the Oblate School of Theology, San Antonio. 

Her books include Speaking Peace in a Climate of ConflictCaring for Words in a Culture of Lies, When Poets PrayWord by Word, and Make a List: How a Simple Practice can Change our Minds and Open Our Hearts.  She has published several volumes of poetry and seasonal reflections for Advent and Lent. She has written for a wide variety of publications, including The Christian CenturyChristianity TodayBooks and CultureSojournersPresbyterians TodayCommentConversationsAcademic Medicine, and a range of academic journals. More at

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