Michael Dominic Taylor

Michael Dominic Taylor lives in New Hampshire, with his wife, Cassandra. He works as a Teaching Fellow and Dean of Students at the Thomas More College of Liberal Arts where he teaches metaphysics, ecology, and humanities, among other things. Previously he worked in Granada, Spain as the Executive Director of the International Laudato Si’ Institute and as a professor of metaphysics for the Edith Stein Institute of Philosophy. He holds degrees in biology and environmental studies, bioethics, and philosophy. He earned his doctorate in philosophy in 2019. In 2021, the Joseph Ratzinger Foundation (Vatican) and the Francisco de Vitoria University (Madrid) awarded him with the Expand Reason Prize for his book, The Foundations of Nature: Metaphysics of Gift for an Integral Ecological Ethic. He is the author of the chapter on “Creation” in The Cambridge Companion to Joseph Ratzinger (2023). 

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