Guests heard on Volume 112

Christian Smith, author of Lost In Translation: The Dark Side of Emerging Adulthood, on why “emerging adults” feel compelled to keep all their options open, in life and in thought

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David L. Schindler, author of Ordering Love: Liberal Societies and the Memory of God, on how modern liberalism fails to acknowledge the reality of God’s love in the order of Creation 

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Sara Anson Vaux, author of The Ethical Vision of Clint Eastwood, on the moral vision of director Clint Eastwood 

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Melvyn Bragg, author of The Book of Books: The Radical Impact of the King James Bible, 1611-2011, on the origins and profound cultural influence of the King James Bible 

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Timothy Larsen, author of A People of One Book: The Bible and the Victorians, on how Victorians were united in their preoccupation with the Bible, whether or not they believed in God

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Ralph C. Wood, author of Chesterton: The Nightmare Goodness of God, on the sacramental vision of G. K. Chesterton, and on the enigmatic message of The Man Who Was Thursday

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