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Guests heard on Volume 114

Susan Cain, author of Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking, on how the twentieth-century displacement of character by “personality” encouraged Americans to sell themselves (and marginalize introverts) 

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Brad S. Gregory, author of The Unintended Reformation: How a Religious Revolution Secularized Society, on the danger of assuming that previous epochs of history have no lasting influence, and how unintended consequences of the Reformation shrunk Christian cultural influence 

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David Sehat, author of The Myth of American Religious Freedom, on why the story of religious liberty in America is more complicated than is often acknowledged

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Augustine Thompson, O.P., author of Francis of Assisi: A New Biography, on the myths and realities of St. Francis of Assisi 

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Gerald R. McDermott, author of The Theology of Jonathan Edwards, on how love and beauty are more fundamental in the thought of Jonathan Edwards than the image of an angry God

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Marilyn Chandler McEntyre, author of Reading Like a Serpent: What the Scarlet A Is About, on lessons in The Scarlet Letter about wise ways of reading complex texts

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