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Guests heard on Volume 119

Mary Eberstadt, author of How the West Really Lost God, on how the decline of formation of natural families has made Christian belief less plausible and contributed to the secularization of Europe

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Allan Bevere, contributor to Jesus is Lord, Caesar is Not: Evaluating Empire in New Testament Studies, on why the claim by “empire criticism” that the letter to the Colossians is a veiled repudiation of Roman imperial hubris is mistaken

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Peter J. Leithart, author of Between Babel and Beast: America and Empires in Biblical Perspective, on how the Bible evaluates empires in light of their relationship with the people of God

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Steven Boyer, co-author of The Mystery of God: Theology for Knowing the Unknowable, on why “mystery” is a necessary category in Christian theology

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Karen Dieleman, author of Religious Imaginaries: The Liturgical and Poetic Practices of Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Christina Rossetti, and Adelaide Proctor, on how different liturgical practices of Victorian congregationalism, Anglo-Catholicism, and Roman Catholicism influenced the poetry of three poets

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Peter Phillips, author of What We Really Do: The Tallis Scholars, on the founding of The Tallis Scholars and the peculiar beauty of Renaissance polyphony

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