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Guests heard on Volume 132

David I. Smith, co-author of Teaching and Christian Imagination, on how metaphors assumed by teachers lead them to imagine the vocation of teaching

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Susan Felch, co-author of Teaching and Christian Imagination, on how the metaphors of gardens, building, and feasting can inform the task of education

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D. C. Schindler, translator of A Robert Spaemann Reader: Philosophical Essays on Nature, God, and the Human Person, on philosopher Robert Spaemann’s understanding of a teleological nature

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Malcolm Guite, author of Waiting on the Word: A Poem a Day for Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany, on his seven sonnets based on the ancient “O Antiphons” sung traditionally during Advent

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J. A. C. Redford, composer of “Let Beauty Be Our Memorial,” on setting Malcolm Guite’s “O Antiphon” sonnets to music

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