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Guests heard on Volume 73

Richard John Neuhaus, Nigel Cameron, Carlos F. Gomez, and Michael Uhlmann, on the meaning and value of human life, the vocation of medicine, the logic of autonomous individualism, and the temptation of suicide and euthanasia 

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Patrick Carey, author of Orestes A. Brownson: American Religious Weathervane, on the perceptive (and peregrinating) thought of Orestes Brownson

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John W. O’Malley, author of The Four Cultures of the West, on the prophetic, academic, humanistic, and artistic vectors of Western culture

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Patricia Owen, children’s book critic, on what makes good children’s books and on how the Newbery Medal winners have changed over time

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Susan Srigley, author of Flannery O’Connor’s Sacramental Art, on the sacramental and incarnational fiction of Flannery O’Connor

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Ralph C. Wood, author of Flannery O’Connor and the Christ-Haunted South, on Flannery O’Connor as “hill-billy Thomist” and sympathizer with backwoods religion

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John W. O’Malleyauthor of The Four Cultures of the West, on the culture of rhetoric and poetry

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