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Guests heard on Volume 86

Roger Lundin, editor of There Before Us: Religion, Literature and Culture from Emerson to Wendell Berry, on why, after Vietnam, American literary critics forgot about American religion

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Lawrence Buell, author of The Future of Environmental Criticism: Environmental Crisis and Literary Imagination, on diverse visions of America and Nature

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Harold K. Bush, Jr., author of Mark Twain and the Spiritual Crisis of His Age, on the glorification of the American way as a civil religion

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Roger Lundin on the transformation of the nature of belief in the late nineteenth century

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Katherine Shaw Spaht, author of “The Modern American Covenant Marriage Movement: Its Origins and Future,” on radical autonomy, marriage, divorce, and law

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Steven L. Nock, co-author of “What Does Covenant Mean for Relationships?,” on how broadly shared cultural assumptions affect laws regulating marriage and divorce

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Norman Klassen and Jens Zimmermann, co-authors of The Passionate Intellect: Incarnational Humanism and the Future of University Education, on the Incarnation and humanism, and on how various dualisms affect our assumptions about faith, knowledge, and higher education

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