Monthly membership ($7/month)

Get web and app access to our entire audio collection: Journals (current and archived), Friday Features, Anthologies, Reports, Conversations, Areopagus Lectures, and special Bonus Features provided by our Partners. (Your membership will be automatically renewed each month unless you cancel it.)

Starter membership ($27 one-time payment)

This 4-month membership makes a thoughtful gift for discerning friends, colleagues, and family members. Get web and app access to our entire audio collection. There is no automatic renewal, but recipients are notified before the membership expires and invited to sign up themselves.

Yearly membership ($77/year) 

Save on your MHA membership by paying for a year’s worth of access to our entire audio collection via web and app. (Your membership will be automatically renewed in one year unless you cancel it.)

Premium membership ($117/year)

Premium members get all of the access accorded to standard members, with the addition of the capacity to download to their computer mp3 files of the Journals released during the term of their membership. (Your membership will be automatically renewed in one year unless you cancel it.)

Classic membership ($47/year)

This option is for listeners who may not have smartphones or other mobile devices but who still want access to the Journal via the web and as downloadable mp3 files. It also serves listeners who want access only to the Journal (as well as to the free-for-everyone Friday Features). Classic members without mobile devices have access to the 10 most recent Friday Features via a page on our website titled Recent Friday Features. (This page only appears if you have a Classic membership; hover over Friday Features in the Catalog menu tab to select Recent Friday Features.)

Affiliate membership (FREE)

Affiliate memberships — each linked to the content of a particular Partner (see Partner section)— will be available for FREE, and will give members access only to the content provided by that Partner. Listeners can sign up for more than one Affiliate membership.