Promoting Christian wisdom and understanding for the glory of God in all areas of life and thought
The Henry Center utilizes classically-informed thought to address modern theological questions. Its mission is to promote Christian wisdom and understanding for the glory of God in all areas of life and thought. Inspired by the enormous legacy of evangelical theologian Carl F. H. Henry, the Henry Center was founded as a part of Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in 2006.
As a center whose identity is shaped around the concept of theological understanding, the Henry Center recognizes that conversations about such topics often generate noise, not wisdom. Instead of adding to this noise, the Center aims to harmonize past and current discussions in ways that produce insight, not just information. To achieve this task, it runs a host of recurring programs involving a variety of people from across the community. It also funds faculty-led initiatives which draw attention to specific theological questions facing the evangelical church and academy.
The Henry Center seeks to bridge the gap between the academy and the church by cultivating resources and communities that advance Christian wisdom.
from the Henry Center website: