The CiRCE Institute provides inspiration, information, and insight to classical educators throughout the U.S. and Canada via an annual conference, an online classical academy, in-house teacher training, Lost Tools of Writing™ Workshops and materials, consulting on board development, school leadership, and school start-up, as well as a content-laden website and blog.

“CIRCE” is an acronym for “Center for Independent Research on Classical Education.” A secondary acronym is “Consulting and Integrated Resources for Classical Educators.”

The CiRCE Institute first began in 1996 as Circe Ministries, a research and tutoring service formed by Andrew Kern for the purpose of writing a book, Classical Education: The Movement Sweeping America, and teaching high school aged home school students in a university style great books class.

Over the years, a rapidly growing number of schools and organizations asked Mr. Kern to speak at their conferences, to help them develop curricula, and to train their teachers. To facilitate this work, CiRCE began its annual conference in the summer of 2002.

That year, CiRCE Ministries became the non-profit 501(c)3 corporation CiRCE Institute. Since then, continued growth has led to the addition of a board of directors; a fleet of experienced, expert consultants; The CiRCE Papers – a weekly e-newsletter; a regularly updated and informative blog; and a product line that includes The Lost Tools of Writing™, Next Step Teacher Training™, audio recordings, books, and other valuable resources for classical schools and homes.

The CiRCE Institute is called to promote, model, and support classical education in the school, within itself, and in the home. Our clients consider the CiRCE Institute the cutting-edge organization in the Christian classical renewal because of our unique ability to identify the ancient principles of learning, to communicate them enthusiastically, and to apply them vigorously in today’s educational settings.

“Our Vocation,” from the CiRCE Institute website

Free Online Conference 2025:

Leisure: The Cultivation of the Mind and the Soul

May 15–16, 2025

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Partner Features shared with Mars Hill Audio

Music, silence, and the order of Creation

Music, silence, and the order of Creation

January 2, 2025
In this lecture, Ken Myers explains how it is that our participation in harmonic beauty in music is a kind of participation in the life of God, in Whom all order and beauty coheres and is sustained. (61 minutes)
Music and the meaning of Creation

Music and the meaning of Creation

October 16, 2024
In this 2018 lecture, Ken Myers advocates for a recovery of the pre-Enlightenment idea of the intelligibility of music. (61 minutes)
The relationship between prudence and reality 

The relationship between prudence and reality 

September 30, 2024
In this lecture, Ken Myers explains how the virtue of prudence is fundamentally connected with a deep and anchored understanding of reality. (54 minutes)
Forms as portals to reality

Forms as portals to reality

August 14, 2024
Ken Myers explains the ancient classical and Christian view that music embodies an order and forms that correspond to the whole of created reality, in its transcendence and materiality. (54 minutes)
In praise of a hierarchy of taste

In praise of a hierarchy of taste

August 6, 2024
In a lecture at a CiRCE Institute conference, Ken Myers presented a rebuttal to the notion that encouraging the aesthetic appreciation of “higher things” is elitist and undemocratic. (58 minutes)
The Life was the Light of men

The Life was the Light of men

April 17, 2024
In a lecture from 2018, Ken Myers contrasts the Enlightenment’s understanding of reason with the Christocentric conception of reason. (57 minutes)
Earthly things in relation to heavenly realities

Earthly things in relation to heavenly realities

August 14, 2023
In this lecture, Ken Myers argues that the end of education is to train students to recognize what is really real. The things of this earth are only intelligible in light of heavenly realities. (59 minutes)
The Symbol of Authority

The Symbol of Authority

August 4, 2023
In the second of two lectures given by D. C. Schindler, he explores the nature of authority with reference to the transcendental dance of Truth, Goodness, and Beauty. (60 minutes)
The Authority of the Symbol

The Authority of the Symbol

July 28, 2023
In this lecture presented at the CiRCE Institute national conference, D. C. Schindler presents a metaphysical description of what symbols are. (54 Minutes)