New Polity is a magazine of postliberal thought that aims to investigate and construct a Christian political worldview.
Published four times a year by the Institute for Political Philosophy and Theology, the magazine hosts articles that deconstruct liberalism and build a definitive vision for Christian politics. To that end, the magazine has published articles and debates on a number of topics, including on the political theory of integralism, the morality of investing in the stock market, the social meaning of gender, and the current technocratic paradigm. New Polity also publishes a bi-weekly podcast with series such as “The Politics of Tyranny,” “Good Money,” and “The Politics of Gender.”
As the political order of liberalism continues to isolate and divide, New Polity aims to voice an alternative; one which ennobles and informs the Christian to sanctify the temporal order.
Juan José Arreola
“Verily I Say unto You”
Columba Silva
“Light Pollution as AntiChrist”
John Byron Kuhner
“Barefoot to Canosa”