Developing a Christian aesthetic

Developing a Christian aesthetic

In the inaugural lecture for the Eliot Society, titled “Faithful Imaginations in a Meaningful Creation,” Ken Myers addresses the question of the relationship between the arts and the Church. (59 minutes)
The negation of transcendence

The negation of transcendence

Michael Hanby argues that our current civilizational crisis can be understood as a “new totalitarianism" that negates or disallows every form of transcendence. (32 minutes)
Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 161

Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 161

FEATURED GUESTS: Andrew Wilson, Kyle Edward Williams, Andrew James Spencer, Landon Loftin, Esther Lightcap Meek, Andrew Davison
Volume 1 revisited

Volume 1 revisited

In August of 1992, Mars Hill Audio released the pilot edition of what became known as the MARS HILL Tapes. In celebration of this anniversary, we recycle three interviews heard in that distant era, with Ted Prescott, Edward Mendelson, and Peter Kreeft. (30 minutes)
From enthusiasm to discernment

From enthusiasm to discernment

Hans Urs von Balthasar on how the assumption that taste is entirely subjective is a function of immaturity
The Cross in artistic expression

The Cross in artistic expression

Richard Viladesau examines how the Passion of the Christ has been depicted artistically and aesthetically throughout Church history. (21 minutes)
Roger Scruton: Music as an Art

Roger Scruton: Music as an Art

Philosopher Roger Scruton explains why there are some things — music in particular and art in general — which one can’t rightly or fully perceive without making judgments. (32 minutes)
Fujimura, Hibbs, & Siedell: Abstraction, immanence, & the cultural landscape

Fujimura, Hibbs, & Siedell: Abstraction, immanence, & the cultural landscape

Artist, philosopher, and art historian discuss the tension between self-expression, transcendence, and the material world.
Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 109

Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 109

FEATURED GUESTS: Douglas Coupland, Charles Mathewes, William T. Cavanaugh, William Dyrness, Steven Guthrie, and Susannah Clements
Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 102

Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 102

FEATURED GUESTS: Daniel M. Bell, Jr., Lew Daly, Adam K. Webb, Stratford Caldecott, James Matthew Wilson, and Thomas Hibbs
Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 100

Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 100

FEATURED GUESTS: Jennifer Burns, Christian Smith, Dallas Willard, Peter Kreeft, P. D. James, James Davison Hunter, Paul McHugh, Ted Prescott, Ed Knippers, Martha Bayles, Dominic Aquila, Gilbert Meilaender, Neil Postman, and Alan Jacobs
Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 97

Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 97

FEATURED GUESTS: Mark Noll, Stanley Fish, James Peters, Scott Moore, and Makoto Fujimura
Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 96

Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 96

FEATURED GUESTS: David A. Smith, Kiku Adatto, Elvin T. Lim, David Naugle, Richard Stivers, and John Betz
Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 90

Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 90

FEATURED GUESTS: J. Mark Bertrand, Michael P. Schutt, Michael Ward, Dana Gioia, Makoto Fujimura, Gregory Edward Reynolds, Catherine Prescott, and Eugene Peterson
Camille Paglia: Only religion can save the arts

Camille Paglia: Only religion can save the arts

Camille Paglia: “For the fine arts to revive, they must recover their spiritual center.”
Art and whateverism

Art and whateverism

Jed Perl on why great art is triumphantly intolerant
Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 20

Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 20

FEATURED GUESTS: Elizabeth Fox-Genovese, Robert D. Richardson, Jr., Roger Lundin, Wilfred McClay, Andrew A. Tadie, Robert Jenson, Ted Prescott, and Ted Libbey