Against hacking babies

Against hacking babies

Oliver O’Donovan raises questions about IVF and the technologically ordered motive for efficiency
Humans as biological hardware

Humans as biological hardware

In this essay, Brad Littlejohn and Clare Morell decry how modern technology tends to hack the human person in pursuit of profit. (55 minutes)
A richer, deeper view of human dignity

A richer, deeper view of human dignity

Moral philosopher Gilbert Meilaender examines the question of human dignity and its place within political discourse. (25 minutes)
Privacy and a right to kill

Privacy and a right to kill

Russell Hittinger explains the legal history behind the “right to privacy” and how it was used in landmark cases involving abortion and physician-assisted suicide. (33 minutes)
Why not hatcheries?

Why not hatcheries?

Ethicist Paul Ramsey (1913–1988) challenges “the unchecked employment of powers the biological revolution places in human hands.”
The logic of “making” babies

The logic of “making” babies

Gilbert Meilaender on the temptation to instrumentalize our bodies
On babies and words

On babies and words

Leon Kass on the re-configuring of human origins
Medical tools and the shaping of identity

Medical tools and the shaping of identity

C. Ben Mitchell and Carl Elliott examine how we form judgments about bioethical questions, and how various medical capabilities form us. (27 minutes)
Life, liberty, and the defense of dignity

Life, liberty, and the defense of dignity

In a 2003 interview, Leon Kass discussed his book Life, Liberty, and the Defense of Dignity: The Challenge for Bioethics. The unifying theme in the book’s essays is the threat of dehumanization in one form or another. (36 minutes)
On moral authority and medicine

On moral authority and medicine

Continuing our time travel back to 1992, we hear two more interviews from the pilot tape for the Mars Hill Tapes, with sociologist James Davison Hunter and bioethicist Nigel Cameron. (28 minutes)
“Broken Bodies Redeemed”

“Broken Bodies Redeemed”

Today’s Feature presents a reading of a 2007 article by Gilbert Meilaender that explores the significance for bioethics of the mystery of human being as body and soul. (39 minutes)
Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 153

Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 153

FEATURED GUESTS: Charles C. Camosy, O. Carter Snead, Matt Feeney, Margarita A. Mooney, Louis Markos, and Alan Jacobs
Thinking Christianly about the body

Thinking Christianly about the body

Theologian and ethicist Gilbert Meilaender discusses some of the themes he explores in two of his books: Body, Soul and Bioethics; and Bioethics: A Primer for Christians. (19 minutes)
"Death lies at the heart of modern medicine"

“Death lies at the heart of modern medicine”

Dr. Kimbell Kornu, who teaches health care ethics and palliative medicine at St. Louis University, talks about why modern medicine can’t adequately explain health or suffering, even as doctors promote health and try to eliminate suffering. (28 minutes)
Medicine and the narrative of progress

Medicine and the narrative of progress

Jeffrey Bishop explains how modern Western medicine is intertwined with politics and technology within a vision of progress that has an eschatological quality to it. (25 minutes)
Six recent books worthy of note

Six recent books worthy of note

Ken Myers shares a summary of six recent books that we want our listeners to know about but whose authors we won’t be interviewing. (15 minutes)
Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 142

Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 142

FEATURED GUESTS: Stanley Hauerwas, Perry L. Glanzer, Nathan F. Alleman, Jeffrey Bishop, Alan Jacobs, D. C. Schindler, and Marianne Wright
Science, technology, and the redefinition of the human

Science, technology, and the redefinition of the human

In a lecture presented in Washington in 2018, philosopher Michael Hanby argues that the meaning of the human is being radically redefined in our modern “biotechnocracy.” (57 minutes)
Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 118

Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 118

FEATURED GUESTS: Gilbert Meilaender, Ron Highfield, Mark Mitchell, Daniel M. Bell, Jr., Helen Rhee, and Peter Brown
Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 116

Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 116

FEATURED GUESTS: Stratford Caldecott, Fred Bahnson, Eric O. Jacobsen, J. Budziszewski, Brian Brock, and Allen Verhey