On the Degeneration of Attentiveness

On the Degeneration of Attentiveness

Critic Nicholas Carr talks about how technology-driven trends affect our cultural and personal lives. (56 minutes)
Sensory overload

Sensory overload

Todd Gitlin discusses the effects of media saturation on our mental and emotional lives. (14 minutes)
Voluntarily silencing ourselves

Voluntarily silencing ourselves

John L. Locke discusses the value of personal communication and how technology is displacing it. (12 minutes)
Multi-leveled language and active spiritual engagement

Multi-leveled language and active spiritual engagement

Eugene Peterson talks about how Jesus spent most of his time speaking normally and conversationally, and how the Spirit infused this normal speech. (14 minutes)
A celebration of introverts

A celebration of introverts

Adam McHugh and Susan Cain explain how an American culture that prizes gregariousness and "selling" oneself ends up marginalizing introverts and the gifts they have to offer, even in the Church. (36 minutes)
Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 142

Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 142

FEATURED GUESTS: Stanley Hauerwas, Perry L. Glanzer, Nathan F. Alleman, Jeffrey Bishop, Alan Jacobs, D. C. Schindler, and Marianne Wright
The leaning tower of gabble

The leaning tower of gabble

Oliver O’Donovan on how authority and language connect us with reality and thus sustain community
Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 81

Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 81

FEATURED GUESTS: Nigel Cameron, Joel James Shuman, Brian Volck, Russell Hittinger, Mark Noll, and Stephen Miller