

Communio was founded in 1972 by Hans Urs von Balthasar, Henri de Lubac, and Joseph Ratzinger. It stands for the renewal of theology in continuity with the living Christian tradition, the continuing dialogue of all believers, past and present, “as if all were simultaneously in the circle.”
The Hedgehog Review

The Hedgehog Review

The Hedgehog Review offers critical reflections on contemporary culture: how we shape it, and how it shapes us. 
Touchstone: A Journal of Mere Christianity

Touchstone: A Journal of Mere Christianity

Touchstone is a Christian journal, conservative in doctrine and eclectic in content, with editors and readers from each of the three great divisions of Christendom—Protestant, Catholic, and Orthodox. 
On moral authority and medicine

On moral authority and medicine

Continuing our time travel back to 1992, we hear two more interviews from the pilot tape for the Mars Hill Tapes, with sociologist James Davison Hunter and bioethicist Nigel Cameron. (28 minutes)
The disabling consequences of winsomeness

The disabling consequences of winsomeness

Stanley Hauerwas on how many modern Christians offered atheists less and less in which to disbelieve.
“How deep the problems go”

“How deep the problems go”

Eric Miller discusses the late historian and social critic Christopher Lasch’s intense commitment to understand the logic of American cultural confusion. (20 minutes)
Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 101

Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 101

FEATURED GUESTS: James Davison Hunter, Paul Spears, Steven Loomis, James K. A. Smith, Thomas Long, and William T. Cavanaugh
Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 100

Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 100

FEATURED GUESTS: Jennifer Burns, Christian Smith, Dallas Willard, Peter Kreeft, P. D. James, James Davison Hunter, Paul McHugh, Ted Prescott, Ed Knippers, Martha Bayles, Dominic Aquila, Gilbert Meilaender, Neil Postman, and Alan Jacobs
Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 94

Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 94

FEATURED GUESTS: Maggie Jackson, Mark Bauerlein, Tim Clydesdale, Andy Crouch, and Jeremy Begbie
The Necessity of Tradition

The Necessity of Tradition

“If a society wishes to find a way of ensuring that newly emergent and valuable techniques are passed on and preserved, its members must feel themselves under an ethical obligation to leave the best possible world not only for their children, but also for their grandchildren.”
Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 67

Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 67

FEATURED GUESTS: Eric O. Jacobsen, Allan C. Carlson, Terence L. Nichols, R. R. Reno, David Bentley Hart, J. A. C. Redford, and Scott Cairns
Life after culture

Life after culture

The modern elevation of individual autonomy leads to postmodern suspicion of all authority, and eventually to postculturalism. Insights from Christopher Clausen and Philip Rieff.
Manners and the Civil Society

Manners and the Civil Society

Three essayists reflect on the relationship between manners and morals, and address the way in which the survival of a democratic society depends upon its citizens' respect for one another. (90 minutes)