Cleansing sea breezes

Cleansing sea breezes

Thomas C. Oden argues that rather than being conformed to contemporary ideological trends, we should be informed by 2000 years of the Church’s wisdom. And Darrell Amundsen corrects some false claims about the early Church’s views on suicide. (27 minutes)
How should we then die?

How should we then die?

Stanley Hauerwas asks how the fear of death shapes the practice of medicine
Medicine and the narrative of progress

Medicine and the narrative of progress

Jeffrey Bishop explains how modern Western medicine is intertwined with politics and technology within a vision of progress that has an eschatological quality to it. (25 minutes)
Loving your neighbor during a pandemic

Loving your neighbor during a pandemic

Brad Littlejohn reflects on how best to ask and answer some of the questions raised by our current disease-ravaged circumstances, particularly questions related to Christian freedom and love of neighbor. (29 minutes)
Gilbert Meilaender: “Mortality: The Measure of Our Days”

Gilbert Meilaender: “Mortality: The Measure of Our Days”

Ethicist Gilbert Meilaender considers the different ways in which we can think about our death, particularly from the paradoxical “simultaneities” of our finite nature and our transcendent desires. (51 minutes)
Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 116

Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 116

FEATURED GUESTS: Stratford Caldecott, Fred Bahnson, Eric O. Jacobsen, J. Budziszewski, Brian Brock, and Allen Verhey
Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 101

Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 101

FEATURED GUESTS: James Davison Hunter, Paul Spears, Steven Loomis, James K. A. Smith, Thomas Long, and William T. Cavanaugh