Etiquette and ethics
In this essay, Judith Martin (a.k.a. Miss Manners) argues that etiquette is “civilization’s first necessity” and an indispensable societal virtue. (21 minutes)

Eugenics and the rise of “evolutionary ethics”

Thinking Christianly about the body
Theologian and ethicist Gilbert Meilaender discusses some of the themes he explores in two of his books: Body, Soul and Bioethics; and Bioethics: A Primer for Christians. (19 minutes)

Loving relationships in community
In conversation with moral philosopher Oliver O’Donovan, and with readings from his book, Entering into Rest, Ken Myers explores a central theme in O’Donovan’s work: that we are created to enjoy loving relationships in community. (27 minutes)

The eclipsing of happiness
Reinhard Hütter on the Christian recognition that happiness is only intelligible in light of the end for which we were created

Merciless moralism bereft of moral reasons
Dallas Willard explores how moral passions on campuses — and elsewhere — are now immune to rational examination or critique

Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 149
Dru Johnson, Steven L. Porter, Reinhard Hütter, Matthew Levering, David Lyle Jeffrey, and Christopher Phillips

Ethics as Theology, Volume 2
Drawing from St. Augustine and figures such as Aelred of Rievaulx, Oliver O’Donovan describes how the Church, communication, community, and friendship all significantly contribute to how we understand the role of love in both ethical and political reflection. (52 minutes)

Ethics as Theology, Volume 1
Moral philosopher Oliver O’Donovan discusses the first two volumes of his three-volume set, Ethics as Theology. Among other topics, he reflects on the significance of the thinking moral subject as well as what form of moral inadequacy the “life of the flesh” suggests. (58 minutes)

Oliver O’Donovan on ethics as theology
Oliver O’Donovan explains how moral deliberation always occurs in anticipation of the eschatological fulfillment of redemption. (9 minutes)

Discerning the spirit of the age
Oliver O’Donovan on the difficult but essential task of reading our times

Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 134
Chris Armstrong, Grevel Lindop, Michael Martin, William T. Cavanaugh, Philip Turner, and Gisela Kreglinger

Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 133
Darío Fernández-Morera, Francis Oakley, Oliver O’Donovan, Thomas Storck, John Safranek, Brian Brock, and George Marsden

Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 127
Christopher Shannon, Kevin Vanhoozer, Oliver O’Donovan, Rebecca DeYoung, Thomas Forrest Kelly, and Calvin Stapert

Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 106
FEATURED GUESTS: Adam Briggle, John C. Médaille, Christopher Page, Christian Smith, Herman Daly, and Thomas Hibbs

Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 105
FEATURED GUESTS: Julian Young, Perry L. Glanzer, Kendra Creasy Dean, Brian Brock, Nicholas Carr, and Alan Jacobs

Yuval Levin: “The Moral Challenge of Modern Science”
Yuval Levin calls for a more deliberate awareness of how science shapes how we ask and answer moral questions together. (44 minutes)