Multi-leveled language and active spiritual engagement

Living into focus
As our lives are increasingly shaped by technologically defined ways of living, Arthur Boers discusses how we might choose focal practices that counter distraction and isolation. (32 minutes)

Pastor, preacher, prophet
A gentle and generous man, Eugene Peterson (1932–2018) was not afraid of speaking prophetically — and hence pastorally — about the Church’s captivity to modern culture. This hour-long interview with Peterson was recorded in 2005. (73 minutes)

Words made audible, dwelling among us
Abigail Williams describes how, in the eighteenth century, the practices of reading aloud survived even as private, silent reading was becoming more common. (19 minutes)

Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 95
FEATURED GUESTS: Stewart Davenport, William T. Cavanaugh, J. Matthew Bonzo, Michael R. Stevens, Craig Gay, Eugene Peterson, and Barry Hankins

On Books and Reading
Why reading matters. Insights — from many perspectives — from Dana Gioia, Sven Birkerts, Makoto Fujimura, Maggie Jackson, Eugene Peterson, Gregory Edward Reynolds, and Catherine Prescott. (74 minutes)

Dancing Lessons: On Theology and the Rhythms of Life
Pastor-theologian Eugene Peterson discusses the themes of his book, Christ Plays in Ten Thousand Places: A Conversation in Spiritual Theology. (70 minutes)

Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 90
FEATURED GUESTS: J. Mark Bertrand, Michael P. Schutt, Michael Ward, Dana Gioia, Makoto Fujimura, Gregory Edward Reynolds, Catherine Prescott, and Eugene Peterson

Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 75
FEATURED GUESTS: Mark Malvasi, John Lukacs, Steve Talbott, Christian Smith, Eugene Peterson, and Rolland Hein