"Gender" as ultimate separation

“Gender” as ultimate separation

In this November 2018 lecture, Margaret McCarthy explains how the predictions of Pope Paul VI’s Humanae vitae regarding the consequences of separating sex from procreation have proven true. (38 minutes)
Not good to be alone

Not good to be alone

In a lecture titled "Gender and the Common Good," Margaret Harper McCarthy argues that the current ideology regarding gender fundamentally separates people from one another and finally even from themselves. (34 minutes)
Man and woman as created realities

Man and woman as created realities

Pope Benedixt XVI on “gender” and the devaluation of the family
Redefining gender

Redefining gender

In this article from Communio, Margaret Harper McCarthy demonstrates that the attempt to eliminate the givenness of sexual difference rests on a denial of the created person’s origin in and ordination toward relations of love. (68 minutes)
The abolition of men and women

The abolition of men and women

Douglas Farrow on the anti-humanist logic of “gender”
Justice and gender, round 2

Justice and gender, round 2

Margaret Harper McCarthy, one of the authors of a brief on gender submitted to the Supreme Court, discusses the philosophical and practical implications of fashionable notions of the meaning of gender. (33 minutes)
On the meaning of gender and the truth of human nature

On the meaning of gender and the truth of human nature

Margaret Harper McCarthy, one of the authors of a brief on gender submitted to the Supreme Court, discusses the philosophical and practical implications of fashionable notions of the meaning of gender. (29 minutes)
Gisela Kreglinger: Victorian Wisdom for Contemporary Plights

Gisela Kreglinger: Victorian Wisdom for Contemporary Plights

Gisela Kreglinger considers how George MacDonald’s perspective on gender roles might guide us through some of the questions, problems, and concerns we face today. (68 minutes)
How radical is our individualism?

How radical is our individualism?

Michael Martin on the late medieval origins of our current confusion