The theological significance of current events

Countering American apathy toward history

Virgil and purposeful history
In this lecture from June 2019, classical educator Louis Markos examines Book II of The Aeneid to argue that Virgil had an eschatological view of history. (68 minutes)

Only a dying civilization neglects its dead
Historian Dermot Quinn discusses the work of fellow historian Christopher Dawson (1889–1970). (15 minutes)

Christopher Dawson: Chronicler of Christendom’s Rise and Fall
Dermot Quinn discusses historian Christopher Dawson’s meta-historical perspective and his wisdom about what makes cultures healthy or unhealthy. (54 minutes)

From democracy to bureaucracy
Historian John Lukacs on the challenges of living at the End of an Age

Ideas and historical consequences
Historian John Lukacs (1924–2019) discusses the relationship between institutions and character, popular sentiment versus public opinion, the distinction between patriotism and nationalism, and the very nature of studying history. (36 minutes)

The historian’s communal role as storyteller

Three historians on history

The past as presence, not souvenir
Historian Christopher Lasch on the importance of recognizing our dependence on the past

“How deep the problems go”

The de(con)struction of the humanities (and of truth)
Historian Gertrude Himmelfarb on the skeptical tendencies of the postmodern academy

Christ, the key to human meaning
Gil Bailie on how the coming of Christ affirmed the intelligibility of human history (and why the abandonment of Christ invites unreason)

Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 159
Kirk Farney, Andrew Willard Jones, James L. Nolan, Jr., Andrew Kaethler, Peter Ramey, and Kathryn Wehr

Before Church and State
Andrew Willard Jones challenges some of the conventional paradigms of thinking about political order, arguing that modern assumptions of the relationship between Church and state color how we understand history. (54 minutes

The consequential witness of St. Patrick
Thomas Cahill describes how the least likely saviors of Western heritage, the Irish, copied all of classical and Christian literature while barbarians rampaged through the rest of Europe. (16 minutes)

Analyzing the current indictment of Christopher Columbus
Robert Royal offers thoughtful listeners an alternative to the ignorant and heated indictment of Christopher Columbus that has become fashionable in recent months. (22 minutes)

John Lukacs, R.I.P.
Historian John Lukacs discusses the vocation of studying history and how it is more a way of knowing human experience than it is a science. (23 minutes)