Human dignity, cosmic hierarchies

Human dignity, cosmic hierarchies

Political scientist Robert Kraynak on how Christianity opposes worldly hierarchies with hierarchies of its own
Challenging the "gospel of democracy"

Challenging the “gospel of democracy”

Robert Kraynak argues that assumptions many modern Christians hold about liberal democracy are rooted in some false ideas about the nature and purpose of civil government. (46 minutes)
God is not Zeus; you are not Prometheus

God is not Zeus; you are not Prometheus

Ron Highfield addresses those who doubt Christianity’s goodness, especially as regards modern assumptions about identity, freedom, and dignity. (24 minutes)
Thinking Christianly about the body

Thinking Christianly about the body

Theologian and ethicist Gilbert Meilaender discusses some of the themes he explores in two of his books: Body, Soul and Bioethics; and Bioethics: A Primer for Christians. (19 minutes)
"A roaming unrest of the spirit"

“A roaming unrest of the spirit”

Theologian Reinhard Hütter argues that the contemporary plague of pornography is a symptom of a deep spiritual apathy. (28 minutes)
Fischer, Hart, and Highfield on freedom

Fischer, Hart, and Highfield on freedom

Three past guests on the Journal explore the meaning of freedom and some common modern misunderstandings of the concept — errors with real consequences. (22 minutes)
Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 118

Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 118

FEATURED GUESTS: Gilbert Meilaender, Ron Highfield, Mark Mitchell, Daniel M. Bell, Jr., Helen Rhee, and Peter Brown
Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 98

Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 98

FEATURED GUESTS: Stanley Hauerwas, Clarke Forsythe, Gilbert Meilaender, Jeanne Murray Walker, Roger Lundin, and David Bentley Hart
Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 73

Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 73

FEATURED GUESTS: Richard John Neuhaus, Nigel Cameron, Carlos F. Gomez, Michael Uhlmann, Patrick Carey, John W. O’Malley, Patricia Owen, Susan Srigley, and Ralph C. Wood
Human Nature, Human Dignity

Human Nature, Human Dignity

Leon Kass outlines what is at stake in our era's crisis concerning the definition of human nature, and sets forth a framework for indispensable discussions surrounding biotechnologies. (60 minutes)