Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 152

Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 152

FEATURED GUESTS: Elisabeth Lasch-Quinn, Jeffrey Bilbro, Zena Hitz, James L. Nolan, Jr., Bishop Robert Barron, and Jason Blakely
Shyness: How normal behavior became a sickness

Shyness: How normal behavior became a sickness

Christopher Lane examines the prejudice in favor of gregariousness which led to the medicalizing of reticence and reserve. Then Ken Myers shares Romano Guardini's thoughts about sustaining a centered interiority. (16 minutes)
A celebration of introverts

A celebration of introverts

Adam McHugh and Susan Cain explain how an American culture that prizes gregariousness and "selling" oneself ends up marginalizing introverts and the gifts they have to offer, even in the Church. (36 minutes)