Myths of tolerance

Myths of tolerance

Historian Darío Fernández-Morera discusses the claims of his book, The Myth of the Andalusian Paradise: Muslims, Christians, and Jews under Islamic Rule in Medieval Spain. (27 minutes)
Islamic identity vs. nationalism

Islamic identity vs. nationalism

Bernard Lewis on how the anti-Western sentiment in the Middle East is only intelligible in theological terms
Islam and modern anti-Semitism

Islam and modern anti-Semitism

Bernard Lewis on the humiliating effect of the birth of modern Israel
The Crisis of Islam and the Crisis of the West

The Crisis of Islam and the Crisis of the West

Bernard Lewis, a Western historian of the Middle East, helps provide essential historical perspective on what appears to be a clash of civilizations. (50 minutes)
Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 53

Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 53

FEATURED GUESTS: Lawrence Adams, Dana Gioia, Elmer M. Colyer, R. A. Herrera, Margaret Visser, and Joseph Pearce