The need to recollect ourselves as whole persons
In this 2016 lecture, John F. Crosby explores key personalist insights found in the thinking of John Henry Newman and Romano Guardini. (60 minutes)

The aboriginal Vicar of Christ, the voice of God in the heart of Man
Reinhard Hütter on John Henry Newman’s insistence that conscience — rightly formed — bears witness to the law of God

Conscience and its counterfeits
A 2014 lecture by theologian Reinhard Hütter examines “Freedom of Conscience as Freedom in the Truth: Conscience according to Thomas Aquinas and John Henry Newman.” (64 minutes)

Maintaining a connected grasp of things
Ian Ker summarizes the central concern of John Henry Newman’s educational philosophy as developed in The Idea of a University

The university and the unity of knowledge
Biographer Ian Ker discusses John Henry Newman’s understanding the goal of “mental cultivation.” (17 minutes)

Teachers and Learners
Ian Ker shares John Henry Newman’s ideals of learning, and Mark Schwehn discusses the virtues of good teachers. (27 minutes)

Stephen Gurney: “John Henry Newman: The Poetics of Devotion”
Stephen Gurney shows how in his sermons, John Henry Newman draws the listener in through the craft and beauty of his prose while nonetheless removing himself from the spotlight in order to convey his listeners to the True Presence of Christ. (51 minutes)