R.I.P. Larry Woiwode

R.I.P. Larry Woiwode

In this tribute to Larry Woiwode’s life and work, Ken Myers presents previously unreleased portions of a 2000 interview about one of his volumes of memoirs, What I Think I Did: A Season of Survival in Two Acts. (29 minutes)
On faithful fiction: Larry Woiwode, Alan Jacobs, & Jay Tolson

On faithful fiction: Larry Woiwode, Alan Jacobs, & Jay Tolson

This Friday Feature represents three interviews on fiction from Volume 3: Larry Woiwode on what makes good fiction, Alan Jacobs on P. D. James’s The Children of Men, and Jay Tolson on Walker Percy. (29 minutes)
The wide, wide resonance of local details

The wide, wide resonance of local details

Novelist Larry Woiwode on the unbreakable bond between specificity and universality
Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 111

Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 111

FEATURED GUESTS: Siva Vaidhyanathan, John Fea, Ross Douthat, Ian Ker, Larry Woiwode, and Dana Gioia
Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 48

Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 48

FEATURED GUESTS: Jon Butler, Gary Cross, Zygmunt Bauman, Pico Iyer, Richard Stivers, Larry Woiwode, Alan Jacobs, and James Trott