Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 153

Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 153

FEATURED GUESTS: Charles C. Camosy, O. Carter Snead, Matt Feeney, Margarita A. Mooney, Louis Markos, and Alan Jacobs
Visionary education

Visionary education

Josef Pieper on the mistake of confusing education with mere training
Fuller and truer ways of being

Fuller and truer ways of being

Zena Hitz on some of the blessings of the love of learning
Trails, furrows, and bookish virtues

Trails, furrows, and bookish virtues

Zena Hitz offers some rich reflections on the remarkable feature of human life that is the love of learning. (16 minutes)
Healthy habits of mind

Healthy habits of mind

Scott Newstok describes how many efforts at educational reform have become obstacles to thinking well, and he offers a rich and evocative witness to a better way of understanding what thinking is. (20 minutes)
On Christian teaching and forming Christian minds

On Christian teaching and forming Christian minds

David I. Smith argues that teaching methods are as important as educational content in forming Christian minds. (9 minutes)
Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 113

Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 113

FEATURED GUESTS: Steven Shapin, Arthur Boers, Christine Pohl, Norman Wirzba, Craig Bartholomew, and David I. Smith