Virgil and purposeful history
In this lecture from June 2019, classical educator Louis Markos examines Book II of The Aeneid to argue that Virgil had an eschatological view of history. (68 minutes)

From shadows to the light of reality

Bearing well the burdens of the past, present, and future
Louis Markos shows how great literature like the Iliad links us to the human story and strengthens us to live fully and well. (65 minutes)

Markos, Louis
FROM THE GUEST PAGE: Louis Markos, Professor in English and Scholar in Residence at Houston Christian University, holds the Robert H. Ray Chair in Humanities.

Liberal arts and the importance of truth
Listen to conversations with two guests from Volume 153, Margarita Mooney and Louis Markos, on the liberal arts and the importance of truth. (26 minutes

Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 153
Charles C. Camosy, O. Carter Snead, Matt Feeney, Margarita A. Mooney, Louis Markos, and Alan Jacobs