McEntyre, Marilyn

McEntyre, Marilyn

FROM THE GUEST PAGE: After many years of teaching American literature, writing, and medical humanities to undergraduates, Marilyn McEntyre, PhD, works now as a writing coach, retreat leader, and speaker on topics related to language, spirituality, and writing.
Reading reflectively during Lent

Reading reflectively during Lent

As Lent is a time of more deliberate reflection and renewal, Marilyn McEntyre talks about the kind of attentiveness to words that can refresh and enable readers. (21 minutes)
Reading with our whole might

Reading with our whole might

Marilyn McEntyre on engaging texts receptively
Six recent books worthy of note

Six recent books worthy of note

Ken Myers shares a summary of six recent books that we want our listeners to know about but whose authors we won’t be interviewing. (15 minutes)
Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 114

Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 114

FEATURED GUESTS: Susan Cain, Brad S. Gregory, David Sehat, Augustine Thompson, O.P., Gerald R. McDermott, and Marilyn Chandler McEntyre
The Worth of Words: Preserving and Caring for Language

The Worth of Words: Preserving and Caring for Language

John McWhorter, Doing Our Own Thing), Marilyn Chandler McEntyre (Caring for Words in a Culture of Lies), and Craig Gay (Dialogue, Catalogue, & Monologue) discuss the glorious possibilities of words lovingly and thoughtfully employed. (65 minutes)
Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 99

Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 99

FEATURED GUESTS: Marilyn Chandler McEntyre, Paul A. Rahe, James L. Nolan, Jr., Andrew J. Cherlin, Dale Keuhne, and Alison Milbank