Materialism and the problem of mind

Materialism and the problem of mind

David Bentley Hart on the evasiveness implicit on all efforts to explain away human consciousness
Freedom from the nature of things?

Freedom from the nature of things?

Leon Kass on the pressure exerted by the authority of science to embrace reductionistic materialism
Spirits in Bondage: Lewis's early poetry

Spirits in Bondage: Lewis’s early poetry

Karen Swallow Prior and Don W. King discuss C. S. Lewis’s early poetry and the evidence therein of a “frustrated dualism.” (23 minutes)
Roger Scruton, R.I.P.

Roger Scruton, R.I.P.

Sir Roger Scruton died on January 12, 2020. In this interview from 2015, Scruton discusses the ways in which the sacred or religious sensibility is prefigured in aesthetic experiences and in our relationships to the world. (20 minutes)
The heaven of the materialists

The heaven of the materialists

George Parkin Grant on how sex drives out love
Not “mere” matter

Not “mere” matter

David Bentley Hart on the spirituality of the material world
Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 126

Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 126

FEATURED GUESTS: James W. Skillen, Christian Smith, B. W. Powe, David Downing, Roger Scruton, and Jonathan Arnold
Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 122

Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 122

FEATURED GUESTS: N. T. Wright, George Marsden, Makoto Fujimura, David Bentley Hart, and Thomas Lessl
Fixed certainties, fixed mysteries

Fixed certainties, fixed mysteries

Science journalist John Horgan, author of The Undiscovered Mind: How the Human Brain Defies Replication, Medication, and Explanation, discusses the limits of neuroscience. (13 minutes)