A theology of eating

Wirzba, Norman
FROM THE GUEST PAGE: Norman Wirzba pursues research and teaching interests at the intersections of theology, philosophy, ecology, and agrarian and environmental studies.

Making peace with the land
Fred Bahnson challenges us to consider how we might honor our created and redeemed relationship with the earth as God's stewards. (48 minutes)

Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 157
Allan C. Carlson, Matthew Stewart, Steven Knepper, Holly Ordway, Norm Klassen, and Norman Wirzba

This world is now my home
Belden Lane describes several approaches to understanding how we experience the sacredness of earthly places and how we learn to see God manifest in His Creation. (48 minutes)

Breaking out of the immanent frame
Norman Wirzba on the true character of Creation and of our creatureliness

Living in a meshwork world
Theologian Norma Wirzba believes that Creation is the “material manifestation of God’s love” and that this fundamental teaching affects everything, especially our understanding of the meaning of modern environmental crises and climate change. (17 minutes)

Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 154
Felicia Wu Song, Michael Ward, Norman Wirzba, Carl Trueman, D. C. Schindler, and Kerry McCarthy

Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 129
Nicholas Carr, Robert Pogue Harrison, R. J. Snell, Norman Wirzba, Philip Zaleski, Carol Zaleski, and Peter Phillips

Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 113
FEATURED GUESTS: Steven Shapin, Arthur Boers, Christine Pohl, Norman Wirzba, Craig Bartholomew, and David I. Smith