Sacramental preaching

Sacramental preaching

Hans Boersma discusses why we should recover a patristic way of preaching and reading scripture. (23 minutes)
St. Irenaeus against the Gnostics

St. Irenaeus against the Gnostics

In this reading of an essay by theologian Khaled Anatolios, St. Irenaeus is remembered for his synthesis of faith and reason. (52 minutes)
Looking for solutions in all the wrong places

Looking for solutions in all the wrong places

Christopher A. Hall on how Thomas C. Oden (1931–2016) discovered the wisdom of the ancient Church
Christian education and pagan literature

Christian education and pagan literature

Kyle Hughes on learning from Basil of Caesarea about the curricular choices for Christian educators
Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 160

Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 160

FEATURED GUESTS: Jessica Hooten Wilson, Kyle Hughes, Gil Bailie, D. C. Schindler, Paul Tyson, and Holly Ordway
On Earth as it is in Heaven

On Earth as it is in Heaven

Hans Boersma — author of Heavenly Participation: The Weaving of a Sacramental Tapestry — explains why Christians should reject the modern separation of Heaven and Earth and recover a “sacramental ontology.” (26 minutes)
Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 76

Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 76

FEATURED GUESTS: D. H. Williams, Catherine Edwards Sanders, Ted Prescott, Martin X. Moleski, Stephen Prickett, and Barrett Fisher
Sources of Ancient Wisdom

Sources of Ancient Wisdom

Excerpts from two books about pre-modern Christian understanding: Reading Scripture with the Church Fathers, by Christopher A. Hall, and Retrieving the Tradition and Renewing Evangelicalism: A Primer for Suspicious Protestants, by D. H. Williams. (95 minutes)