Music as medicine for the body and soul

Music as medicine for the body and soul

Remy Chiu examines how music in the Renaissance era was marshaled to combat the effects of plague and disease, relating that history to our own response to the current pandemic. (29 minutes)
The Sixth Commandment and the obligation to protect public health

The Sixth Commandment and the obligation to protect public health

Ethicist Gilbert Meilaender explains why our experience with COVID-19 has made it difficult for many — citizens and officials — to honor a proper obligation to protect public health. (17 minutes)
Plagues and technocratic politics

Plagues and technocratic politics

Philosopher Michael Hanby insists that responses to COVID-19 were distorted by the widespread belief that science is a monolithic source of infallible knowledge, the only reliable source of knowledge about how we should live. (38 minutes)
Loving your neighbor during a pandemic

Loving your neighbor during a pandemic

Brad Littlejohn reflects on how best to ask and answer some of the questions raised by our current disease-ravaged circumstances, particularly questions related to Christian freedom and love of neighbor. (29 minutes)