The theological significance of current events
Alchemy, astrology, energy, and gnosticism
Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 162
FEATURED GUESTS: Mark Noll, R. Jared Staudt, Paul Weston, William C. Hackett, Hans Boersma, and David Paul Baird
“Christianity” is gnostic
Peter Leithart on why what the Church is and practices is not a “religion”
The evolving connotation of “Christianity”
William Cantwell Smith on how the abstraction known as “Christianity” displaced the concrete reality of “Christian living”
The birth of “religion”
Brent Nongbri on how Christian disunity led to the privatization of God and the gods
Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 131
John Durham Peters, Paul Heintzman, Richard Lints, Peter Harrison, Francis J. Beckwith, David L. Schindler, and Nicholas J. Healy, Jr.
Is religion just moralistic therapy after all?
Alexander Schmemann on the secularization of religion
How science became the omnipotent arbiter of genuine knowledge
Peter Harrison on the creation of an allegedly neutral public sphere
The Church as a public reality
William Cavanaugh on how we must be disciples in public, not just citizens
Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 101
FEATURED GUESTS: James Davison Hunter, Paul Spears, Steven Loomis, James K. A. Smith, Thomas Long, and William T. Cavanaugh
Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 91
FEATURED GUESTS: John Witte, Jr., Hugh Brogan, Daniel Ritchie, Daniel Walker Howe, George McKenna, and Patrick Deneen
Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 87
FEATURED GUESTS: John Witte, Jr., Steven Keillor, Philip Bess, Scott Cairns, and Anthony Esolen
Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 86
FEATURED GUESTS: Roger Lundin, Lawrence Buell, Harold K. Bush, Jr., Katherine Shaw Spaht, Steven L. Nock, Norman Klassen, and Jens Zimmermann
Best-Selling Spirituality
In the late 1990s, three best-selling books outlined new “religious preferences” for many Americans: The Celestine Prophecy, Embraced by the Light, and Conversations with God. Why were they popular?
Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 20
FEATURED GUESTS: Elizabeth Fox-Genovese, Robert D. Richardson, Jr., Roger Lundin, Wilfred McClay, Andrew A. Tadie, Robert Jenson, Ted Prescott, and Ted Libbey